Adelaide Central Market
Gouger St, 2014
When we were living in Sturt St we were two blocks directly south of the Adelaide Central Market. We shopped for our fruit and vegetables there, as well as for our groceries at the attached Coles supermarket. Having this kind of access to the market meant that what we ate changed —- our diet became less centred on processed food and more centred around clean and fresh. We would buy as we required.
Gouger Street was also our local coffee hangout. I could read the Australian for free whilst having a coffee before wandering around the Central Market. I refused to buy The Australian and only read it when having a coffee , usually at Cibos in Gouger Street.
cabbage, Adelaide Central Market
The market slowly changed: going from fresh food and vegetables to more eating places.
I found the market difficult to photograph. The lighting in the market was difficult and I wasn’t a street photographer who made people the centre of the image.
Adelaide Central Market carpark, 2015
The market as an institution was a retail space and it was about people shopping, eating, talking with friends.